Monday Quick Takes Vol. 7

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The weather this weekend went from mildly cold to cool with a touch of warmth. That might not make any sense, but with the way I am when it hot; it makes total sense. Why yesterday I just had a light jacket on and outside for probably all of yesterday. Knowing that the summer is approaching, my only hope is that it will be a mild one. (For if it is really bad, I might never go outside.)


This weekend I took care of Odin, my next-door neighbor’s dog and Maggie playmate. In all honesty, Odin was no trouble. He has his moments just like Maggie and can be more energized, but he was good. On Sunday I was able to do a little photo shoot of Maggie and Odin in my backyard. It was difficult to say the least because Odin is also very female-human center dog (what I mean is he likes to be right beside you and doesn’t like to sit still if you even move).

Copyright: Nikita Phillips

Copyright: Nikita Unverzagt



During the photo shoot (as I am calling it) Maggie, who is normally my pain the butt when it comes to poses was very cooperated. I was not prepared for that, but got some great shots. 

Copyright: Nikita Unverzagt

Copyright: Nikita Unverzagt


For more pictures or my favorite shots I posted them on Flickr. Check them out and comment below which is your favorite.


Credit to: Wikipedia

Credit to: Wikipedia

I was so sadden by the loss of another great Golden Hollywood Actor, Mickey Rooney. There were many reasons why he was one of my favorite actors. He was funny, made some great films, and by gosh he was one of the few Actors who were short. Him and James Cagney were two of the shortest Actors I like from that era. Mickey Rooney was 93, so he lived a ripe old age, but it is still sad that such great actors are fading away. I hope TCM honors him or I just need to start collecting his films and watch them. So, I ask everyone to keep in your prayers the Soul of Mickey Rooney, but also pray for his family and friends. He will be missed.

Well that is all for this MQT, hope you had a nice weekend, until next time.

God bless,


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