Emily Stimpson’s Book

Why would a soon-to-be married Catholic woman read a book that is called “The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide for the Single Year”?

I think many who know me ask that question, including those at my workplace and in my home. Yet, I can tell you from what I have read in this book, it holds more than just a survival guide.

Emily Stimpson, the author of this books gives a guide that would help single Catholic girls going through those single years without thinking they are to head to spinsterhood because they cannot get a guy.

When I read it I can see that, but I also see an insight to what true womanhood is to be through this book, something I think is difficult for some of us to look for in a book. One day I think she and maybe a few other authors need to write a little survival guide to being a woman in this culture.

And that is what I have been finding in Emily’s book. Yes, her direction is to help those in the single life right now, but most of her advice goes to women as a whole. From how to handle looking at work as not your life to letting a man being a man, not conforming him to Hollywood’s standards.

Also, this books gives me an insight of how to look at those who I am friends with who are single how to not just understand their situation, but deepen our friendships, and not because I feel sorry, but because our friendship is near and dear to me.

I am still reading the book, but it is a book I recommend for all woman, especially Catholic women. Her insight is something I find like a breathe of fresh air to understand  womanhood.

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