7 Quick Takes Friday: February 5



First week, technically trying to get back into blogging. I think I have done an okay job. I had to make the decision that one of the entries I had planned to publish yesterday (Thursday) would be held off from publishing until next Thursday. Reasons? Well, it is an entry that has a lot of information that had me walking away from the computer so I could take a breather so I could hunker down. I am technically not even finished the said entry.

I am hoping that this does not start a trend with me. I want to not just for those who read my blogs (those left I mean), but for myself to prove that I can accomplish bringing content through the written word.


Well that was Unexpected

I can count on one hand the number of times I have experienced an accidental locking of a door in my married life. Today, adds to that count. Somehow, husband and I are still not sure how it happened one of the bathroom doors was locked. It was quite funny because we were looking for something to unlock the door. Thankfully due to me always liking to have a good supply of office materials had a paper clip. Got the door unlocked, but we are still scratching our heads as to how it was accomplished in the first place. I am just laying blame on someone trying to remind me something. Now if I could just figure what I am supposed to be reminded of that would be good.


Independent Studies

It was my hope that this week I would not just start be publishing entries, but I would start back up on my independent studies. Sadly, that did not happen. I am hoping to start the process again next week. Please pray I can get back into it. I do miss having the routine of studying, praying, and writing. It is vital to my well-being.



So, I was looking at the weather and learned that on Sunday there is a possibility of more snow to come to my area. My husband is not too happy about this, but I am thrilled because as I mentioned in another entry, I love snow. I hope all inflicted by the coming snow system is able to stay safe and warm. I will just enjoy watching it fall from my window. I might even make some hot chocolate so I can drink some while watching.



This week I have thought and prayed about something. It all started when I was going through my social media and noticed some of those who I know and are practicing Catholics were going to either virtual or physical retreats for mothers. I knew that there are some convents that have retreats for women that are discerning into the religious vocation. I also knew that there retreats for women who had abortions. It made me wonder are there retreats for women not discerning a religious vocation, but are not mothers (due to circumstances)? Some think this is something weird to some, but I have posted my thoughts in many previous blog entries about how I feel I am in murky area and feel I am isolated due to my dealings of infertility. (Reminded I am not considered permanent infertility.) I need to research more on this and hopefully I can find out if they exist. And if they do not? Well, I need to pray about that.


Lent is coming

It is difficult for some to imagine that in about twelve days the Lenten season will begin. I am probably one of those in the minority that gets happy to know that Lent is arriving. When it comes to the Liturgical year Lent is my favorite. I do not if I can put into word right at this moment the joy I have when it comes to Lent, but even my husband can acclaim I do in fact get excited. Does anyone have any ideas of how they spend their Lenten season? I am still praying about what I shall fast from and what I hope to focus more on during this 2021 Lenten season.


Prayer Requests

I was not sure I should end this particular entry but thought I should leave it a bit open. If anyone has any prayer requests that would like myself and others to add to our intentions when we pray, please post them in the comments.

May God bless each of you and know that I pray for you all.